Sonic Concept


it is a special chapter of acoustic wave physics. It also deals with the distribution, reflection and heard of sound in environments.

The word acoustics is of Greek origin. After a period of intellectual sleep defining the Middle Ages, the value of acoustic as a science again began to be understood with the contributions of Golites, Da vinci, Newton and Laplace but it was inadequate. Since then, with the increase in knowledge, acoustics has begun to develop in 3 special scopes.

Sound is examining in 3 sections as infrasonic, audiosonic, ultrasonic.

Infrasonic, Audiosonic, Ultrasonic

20 Hz audible spacing 20kHz
Infrasonic Audiosonic Ultrasonic

The most sensitive for human ear.

400 Hz – 6000 Hz

Acoustic cleaner spacing

170 Hz AUDIOSONIC 360 Hz

SOUND ; is created by pressure change in the air. Sound is formed due to the vibration of objects and it moves from one place to another in a suitable environment (air, water etc. )with compression and expansion movements.

Sound is a mechanical irregularity that formed in the physical environment. Therefore Sound is a pressure wave.

SOUND İNTENSİTY; It is the characteristic of the intensity of the wave generated by the sound as it propagates in the air. The intensity of the sound is directly proportional to the amplitude of the sound wave. As the intensity of sound increases, so does the time to resist. That is, the sound can spread where further away. The unit of sound intensity is decibels.

FREQUENCY OF SOUND; Sound has a frequency, length, period and speed. The number of vibrations of sound per unit time (usually per second) is called frequency. its u nit is Hertz. Wavelength is the way the sound takes to form a sound waves. The speed of sound in normal conditions; 340 in the air, 4000 - 6000 on the board, 3000 - 5000 in the water, 8000 m / s in steel. Sound does not spread in space. Because there are no particles such as atoms or molecules that will cause a vibrating object to compress and expand.

RESONANCE; Definition of resonance in physics; It is the formation of even greater effects as a result of the collection of small forces and effects associated with each other. If we express it differently; Technically, resonance is the "amplitude going to infinity. We know; Oscillation occurs in systems under a periodic effect. Amplitude is the amount of displacement the system makes during oscillations compared to the normal situation. If these oscillations are equal to the natural frequency of the system, the amplitude of the system tends to increase forever. This is called resonance. The oscillations caused by the vibration are equal to the natural frequency of the object and the object is broken down by being unable to withstand the tension generated by the increasing amplitude. It is not possible that the resonated object will not be damaged. However, the resonance of the object can be prevented by taking precautions.

TURBULENCE; Turbulence is the flow irregularity of a liquid or gas. Turbulence in fluid dynamics is a flow change defined as chaotic and stochastic. This includes low moment diffusion in space and time, high moment convection, rapid pressure and velocity variations. Non-turbulent flow is called layered flow. Turbulence is defined from the modern perspective as irregularity that occurs at all levels.