User Sonic

User Engineering
User Engineering


Sonic cleaning technology is a proven technology that has been perfected by hard work and testing since the late 1960s in more than 50 countries.

Acoustic cleaners that work with compressed air produce a series of very fast, powerful sounds caused by pressure waves. This sound is sent into the solid particle. These resonances and sound waves allow particles stuck to the surface to separate. It weakens the bond structure of the material and causes it to break down. The solid material separated from the surface moves away from the environment by the effect of gravity and air flow.

User Engineering

Sonic horn consists of a wave generator, resonance section (amplifier). The wave generator generates sound in the, audiosonic, audible range of sounds. Another product insonex, can produce low frequency, inaudible sound range.

The produced sound is amplified and tuned with the amplifier. The horn structure is managed with the resonance section to create the maximum effect. Frequencies at different ranges can be created by sending audiosonic sound waves. The dimensions of the bell part should be calculated carefully. Thus, the sound is amplified by the horn structure. All of our products are produced and approved in ISO 9000 standards.


Our systems are developed by combining our engineering knowledge, our high-level technological structure, and all the experience gained in the field. Projecting, software and installation engineering are carried out under the assurance of our projects that are delivered and in the process pf delivery worldwide. After our systems are commissioned, our team continues to monitor the system. All our systems installed in the past are still running smoothly. This is our greatest source of pride and reference.

Also User Engineering is in cooperation with Kockumsonics AB, which is the world leader in this field. Sound pressure and frequencies of all Sonic Horn Systems produced are tested one by one in the anechoic chamber laboratories, the largest in northern Europe.

Below are the systems that Kockum Sonics AB used 70 years ago.

User Engineering

Each unit is tested and approved in the Certified Audio lab. After the first contact with customers, field engineers start their work. These studies are carried out in 4 stages.

  • •Description of the system.
  • •Project work and collecting information about the system.
  • •Simulation of data in software environment.
  • •Installation in accordance with the project principles.
User Engineering

Known techniques and previous experience are evaluated. Our sonic horn systems, selected to benefit at maximum efficiency, are installed in accordance with the planning made for you.

User Engineering

The graphic above shows the 140 dB sound pressure effect taken at the farthest point for 1 User Sonic given for a heat exchanger with a capacity of 3400 * 2800 mm. This noise level will prevent the accumulation inside with 93% efficiency.

The sound pressure level is expected to be at least 135 dB in the targeted zone or layer. While making these calculations, it is important to determine the conditions (conditions that will affect sound absorption) in the region where the cleaning effect is expected.

Purpose of creating these graphics; The selection of Sonic Horn Systems to be installed for the area to be cleaned, to see a high-rate effect graph, to have the least expected post-installation effects.

In order to provide ease of assembly during the installation phase of our systems, our system is installed with mounting flanges developed for User Sonic.

After installation; The system is commissioned by taking into account the data collected during the project phase. A model working system is created. This model is worked by giving frequent activation for heavy conditions and long waiting times for easy conditions. After the system is activated automatically or manually, the process is followed. The operating arrangements of User Sonics are optimized for the most suitable operating period.

User Engineering